Gloria (w/white sleeves) Volleyball Puppet Standard License

The GLORIA w/white sleeves PUPPET is a female sports character with a customizable volleyball uniform with short and long white sleeves and white shorts.  She has customizable pupils, hairstyles and outfit accessories.  She comes pre-rigged and ready to record in Adobe’s Character Animator program.  She has head turns, face tracking, limb IK and lip sync.

Gloria (w/black sleeves) Volleyball Puppet Standard License

The GLORIA w/black sleeves PUPPET is a female sports character with a customizable volleyball uniform with short and long black sleeves and black shorts.  She has customizable pupils, hairstyles and outfit accessories.  She comes pre-rigged and ready to record in Adobe’s Character Animator program.  She has head turns, face tracking, limb IK and lip sync.

Amelia (w/white sleeves) Volleyball Puppet Standard License

The AMELIA w/white sleeves PUPPET is a female sports character with a customizable volleyball uniform with short and long white sleeves and white shorts.  She has customizable pupils, hairstyles and outfit accessories.  She comes pre-rigged and ready to record in Adobe’s Character Animator program.  She has head turns, face tracking, limb IK and lip sync.

Amelia (w/black sleeves) Volleyball Puppet Standard License

The AMELIA w/black sleeves PUPPET is a female sports character with a customizable volleyball uniform with short and long black sleeves and black shorts.  She has customizable pupils, hairstyles and outfit accessories.  She comes pre-rigged and ready to record in Adobe’s Character Animator program.  She has head turns, face tracking, limb IK and lip sync.

Poop Emoji Motion Standard License

The POOP EMOJI MOTION PUPPET is fully rigged for Adobe Character Animator's motion library.
The POOP EMOJI MOTION PUPPET is fully rigged for Adobe Character Animator’s motion library.

Poop Emoji Walk Add-On Standard License

The POOP EMOJI WALK ADD-ON PUPPET adds the walk behavior to your Poop Emoji Puppet.
The POOP EMOJI WALK ADD-ON PUPPET adds the walk behavior to your Poop Emoji Puppet.

Poop Emoji Puppet Standard License

The POOP EMOJI PUPPET is an expressive talking, moving poop character. This digital puppet is fully rigged for Adobe Character Animator with lip sync, head and body turns, triggerable expressions and limb IK behaviors.
The POOP EMOJI PUPPET is an expressive talking, moving poop character. This digital puppet is fully rigged for Adobe Character Animator with lip sync, head and body turns, triggerable expressions and limb IK behaviors.

Bee Puppet Standard License

The BEE PUPPET is part of a line of  silly bug characters. This digital puppet is fully rigged for Adobe Character Animator with lip sync, head and body turns, triggerable expressions and limb IK behaviors.
The BEE PUPPET is part of a line of  silly bug characters. This digital puppet is fully rigged for Adobe Character Animator with lip sync, head and body turns, triggerable expressions and limb IK behaviors.

Beetle Puppet Standard License

The BEETLE PUPPET is part of a line of  silly bug characters. This digital puppet is fully rigged for Adobe Character Animator with lip sync, head and body turns, triggerable expressions and limb IK behaviors.
The BEETLE PUPPET is part of a line of  silly bug characters. This digital puppet is fully rigged for Adobe Character Animator with lip sync, head and body turns, triggerable expressions and limb IK behaviors.

Spider Puppet Standard License

The SPIDER PUPPET is part of a line of  silly bug characters. This digital puppet is fully rigged for Adobe Character Animator with lip sync, head and body turns, triggerable expressions and limb IK behaviors.
The SPIDER PUPPET is part of a line of  silly bug characters. This digital puppet is fully rigged for Adobe Character Animator with lip sync, head and body turns, triggerable expressions and limb IK behaviors.